💖The Radiance of Kindness💖

Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.
2 min readJul 3, 2023

🕯️C H O F Ministry’s Inspirit Word Inspirational Word🕯️

Good Morning Beloved Souls! Let’s together usher in the divine grace, Embrace this marvelous Monday with hope in your hearts and joy in your souls. Rejoice, for the Lord is with us!

📖Bible Verse: Ephesians 4:32📖 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Dear child of God 🌟, let’s reflect upon the 💝powerful virtue of kindness. In this bustling world🌍, it can sometimes seem easier to be caught up in our own struggles and forget our actions’ impact on others. But remember, as followers of Christ, we are called to be the light💡in the darkness, to show God’s love💕through our actions.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was the embodiment of kindness. His every action, His every word, was filled with divine love💖and gentleness. He healed the sick🤒, fed the hungry🍞, and even gave His own life on the cross⛪, all out of profound kindness and love for us. His example serves as a beacon🔦 guiding us toward the path of compassion.

What does kindness look like in your life🔎? It could be as simple as a warm smile😊 to a stranger, a helping hand🤝 to a friend in need, or even forgiving someone who has wronged you🕊️. Remember, it’s the smallest acts of kindness that often have the most significant impact.

As you journey through life, I pray that kindness becomes the language of your heart💖. Allow it to shape your actions, transform your character, and guide your interactions with others. Kindness has the power to heal, to mend, and unite.

Let us strive to live a life of kindness, embodying God’s love and mirroring His grace in our daily actions.

🙏Let Us Go into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy🙏:

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your boundless kindness and love. Guide our hearts to be as kind as Your Son Jesus Christ was during His time on earth. Help us to see the opportunities to show kindness and love in our daily lives. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit to reflect Your kindness in all we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. To God Be the Glory🙏!

Have a Blessed Monday and a Safe and Joyful 4th of July, Everyone!!!



Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.

Spiritual Inspirationalist. When faith needs to be strengthened amid challenging circumstances, I offer spiritual guidance…