💫 “The Spiritual Egypt Within Us”

Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.
2 min readOct 31, 2023


⛪ Unified Manna from C H O F Ministry
*Faith: More Than Belief, a Lens to Reimagine the World.

🌞 Praise the Lord Everyone!!! 😊

✝️ Let’s delve into today’s Principal Scriptural Insight:
“A prophecy against Egypt: See the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him.” — Isaiah 19:1 (CSB)

Beloved, in this verse, the Lord’s dominion over the spiritual stronghold of Egypt is depicted. The idols, which represent false beliefs and deceptions, shudder in the presence of the true God.

🌱 🧠 Egypt, more than a geographical location by the Nile, stands as a spiritual representation of bondage and deception, birthed from the very garden where humanity first fell. It symbolizes the entrapment of the soul, the captivity of the spirit, and the consequences of choosing our own definitions of good and evil over God’s.

For believers, Egypt serves as a haunting memory of our past life — a life apart from Christ, shackled by the weight of societal norms, inherent sin, and the deceptions of the enemy. It’s a reminder of the spiritual battles we’ve faced and the freedom we’ve found in Christ.

Yet, for those yet to know Christ, this spiritual Egypt is a present reality. Held captive by the Pharaohs of this world and the enticements of evil, they remain blinded to the love and purpose God has for them. The enemy, ever vengeful and deceitful, attempts to lure even the delivered back into the chains of their past, exploiting their vulnerabilities and unrest.

But the true narrative is one of hope. The Holy Spirit, powerful and relentless, works tirelessly to free souls from this bondage, to lead them from their personal Egypt to the Promised Land of God’s grace and love.

🙏🏾Let Us Go Into the Throne Room of Grace and Mercy:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for showing us the stark contrast between captivity and the freedom You offer. May we always remember the chains from which You’ve liberated us and strive to guide others to Your saving grace. Let our lives be a testament to Your unyielding love and mercy. To God Be the Glory.

Have a Blessed Tuesday Everyone. ✝️ 💖 😊

*Igniting Faith, Elevating Wisdom, and Transforming Lives.



Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.

Spiritual Inspirationalist. When faith needs to be strengthened amid challenging circumstances, I offer spiritual guidance…