Unapologetic Faith

Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Good morning, beloved friends! 🫂😊

As we gather in the presence of the Most High, let us reflect on the profound truth before us.

Scriptural Insight — Psalm 139:14 (CSB)
“I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.” 📖✨

✝️C H O F Ministry’s Synopsis:

This powerful passage affirms our intrinsic value as creations of the Divine. It highlights the intentionality and precision with which we were crafted, underscoring that each of us is a unique masterpiece. This acknowledgment of our worth and beauty invites us to embrace our true selves wholeheartedly, free from the constraints of societal expectations or self-doubt. We are called to celebrate our individuality, recognizing that we are wondrously made and deeply cherished by our Creator. 🌸🌟

🗣 Bishop Houston’s Contemplation:

Beloved, let us confidently embrace the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator. This profound realization liberates us from the expectations and judgments of others. We deserve love, respect, and acceptance just as we are. We align with our divine purpose by honoring our feelings, establishing healthy boundaries, and pursuing personal growth unapologetically. 🌈❤️

Beloved, we often find ourselves weighed down by the opinions and judgments of others, striving to meet standards that were never meant for us. Yet, in the eyes of our Creator, we are already perfect and complete. This divine truth empowers us to reject the labels and limitations imposed upon us and to live authentically. Embracing our God-given identity means acknowledging our worth, not as defined by the world, but by the One who formed us. When we set healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care, and pursue our growth with boldness, we walk in alignment with our divine purpose. This journey of unapologetic faith transforms our lives and illuminates the path for others to do the same.

Let Us Go into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy. 🙏🏿

Lord, we thank you for the gift of self-awareness and the courage to stand in our truth. Help us to embrace our worthiness without hesitation, knowing that we are cherished beyond measure in Your eyes. Grant us the strength to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and pursue growth unapologetically. May our lives be a testament to Your grace and love. To God Be the Glory. 🙌🏾

Have a blessed Friday, everyone. 💙 😊



Bishop W. F. Houston Jr.

Spiritual Inspirationalist. When faith needs to be strengthened amid challenging circumstances, I offer spiritual guidance…