“When Ministry Becomes Performance”
Good morning and blessings to all! 🌅
Scriptural Insight — Matthew 6:1 (CSB)
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. Otherwise, you have no reward with your Father in heaven.”
C H O F Ministry’s Synopsis:
In Matthew 6:1, Jesus warns against the danger of performing religious duties for human admiration. This scripture invites us to reflect on the sincerity and purpose of our ministry.
Bishop Houston’s Contemplation: 🤔
🌟 In today’s fast-paced, social media-driven world, where likes, shares, and views often dictate success, it’s vital to introspectively examine our ministry. When the sacred act of ministry transforms into a performance, it risks losing its divine essence. The sanctuary, a place of worship and communion with God, should not become a stage for showcasing talents or seeking applause.
The congregation is not merely an audience; they are active participants in a spiritual journey. Worship, in its truest form, is an intimate, personal offering to God, not a spectacle for entertainment. When we shift our focus from pleasing God to pleasing people, we stray from the essence of true worship.
As spiritual leaders and believers, our success should not be measured by the applause of people but by the approval of God. It’s about the transformation of lives, the deepening of faith, and the genuine upliftment of communities.
This shift in perspective requires a conscious effort to reorient our intentions, ensuring that our ministry remains a genuine expression of our devotion to God, rather than a performance for the accolades of men and women.
“Let Us Go into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy:”
Heavenly Father, guide us to serve with humility and sincerity, focusing on Your divine presence rather than human approval. Help us to remember that our ministry is an offering to You, not a performance for others. May our worship be genuine and our service reflective of Your love and grace. To God Be the Glory! 🙏🏾